the next couple of weeks, you
will most likely be hearing from the Iowa Department of Education
whether your Iowa Core Implementation Plans were certified or not.
There are a few things we wanted to share with you regarding this:
In the event of your plans being uncertified, there will be an email
that comes directly to you from the Iowa Department of Education that
outlines your next steps and how to revise your plans and recertify.
As you work through your revisions, you will be able to click on the
iLogs icon to get additional assistance, but ultimately, the DE will be
looking for all answers to reflect components of the Self Study Review @ We made this review available
in the spring.
We would recommend that these revisions be done in a timely manner.
Having said that, if your district is up for a DE Site visit, all plans
housed on the C-Plan portal need to be properly certified in order to
be compliant for the site visit.
As always, we're here to help. Please don't hesitate to give your AEA Iowa Core Lead a call to assist.